Photo of Work

Detail of Work


Artist: Mahoney, James Owen
Time Period:
circa 1940s
Dimensions: 9" high x 12" wide
Type of Work: Painting
Medium: Painting
Price: Upon request Plus shipping and insurance

This typically ethereal painting by Mahoney, with nude lovers that seem to be half in heaven and half on earth, was executed in gorgeous shades of gouache, probably in the 1930s or 1940s. In 1990, it was exhibited as part of a Mahoney retrospective at the Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University. With ties to Texas, where he was born, and to New York, where he spent much of his career, Mahoney was probably best known for his mural painting. In Dallas he painted murals for the Centennial Exposition (one of the finest assemblages of extant Art Deco buildings in America), the Federal Building and the Adolphus Hotel, and in Ithaca for the Clinton House. Mahoney taught art at Cornell University for many years.

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